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102 MB The British coach giving a few weight lifting hintsjpgDec 25,  · 舉重運動近幾年來蔚為風尚,不論是素人的舉重健身,亦或是以比賽為目標的競技舉重,都吸引越來越多的健身愛好者參與,而每年大大小小的比賽更是讓人趨之若鶩。在如此熱絡的風潮下,各大健身房也紛紛為舉重設立訓練專區,加上各式各樣的團體研習,也促進了這項運動的推廣。Jun 11, 21 · The IWF AntiDoping Policy is a critical step forward in our commitment to ensuring weightlifting is a clean sport now and in the future Clean sport must start at a national level and the IWF is working closely with all our Member Federations to make sure they fulfil their responsibility to protect and promote clean lifters 举重 体育 人民网 舉重世界紀錄